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Ukraine Energy Company signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Institute of Gas


Ukraine Energy Company signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Institute of Gas

Technical Director Ukraine Energy , Roman Melnikov and Director of the Institute of Gas of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Boris Bondarenko, signed a memorandum of scientific and technical cooperation. The purpose of the conclusion of such memorandum is mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of research of heat engineering processes and their practical application. We will make technical solutions, innovative ideas at the enterprises of our partners.

“It is important for us to develop and strengthen our own efficiency. That is why we attach to the work of the support of scientists, specialists with a lot of experience in creating innovative solutions.  Our partner and we are interested in mutual economic growth, as well as in expanding the opportunities of domestic industry. In addition, the company understands the need to attract and support young professionals. Together with the Institute of Gas, we plan to create a training program for students in the priority areas of our activity,” said Roman Melnikov, Technical Director of Ukraine Energy.

The parties plan to implement joint projects, both technical and vocational training programs. The exchange of data from experiments, indicators of realized objects and joint research activities are important directions for future work. Ukraine Energy and the Institute of Gas will also create special programs for the experience exchange for scientists and technical staff. As ownership of the information can greatly enhance the opportunities for implementing their own ideas and professional growth, the partners will also organize symposiums, conferences and other scientific events.